Work-life StructureIf you’re part of any kind of organisation, be it through work or leisure, you may wish to send SMS messages from a computer. Perhaps you run a business and wish to send SMS messages to customers or staff.  If you need to broadcast text messages to a number of people, you’ll find things a lot easier if you can do so from the comfort of your PC. After all, sending a group text on your mobile can be a bit of a clunky process: having to select each recipient from your phone book with your touch screen is not the most efficient way to broadcast your message. In the working environment especially, being able to use SMS in your organisations can save you lots of time and hassle.

Thankfully these days you can use an SMS gateway like NexSMS to send your SMS messages from any PC. All you need to do is create your own account, and set your message up just the way you want it. You can easily upload a list of recipients and access a range of messaging options. You can send messages at any time, to as many people as you like. Using an SMS gateway like NexSMS, there are a number of useful, practical ways to improve business processes. In fact, SMS is growing rapidly as a marketing tool for many businesses, and there are many examples of successful SMS ad campaigns.

If you’re new to SMS Gateways and bulk SMS delivery, take a look at our educational posts: Learn about Bulk SMS delivery